The East Jutland Project
In the late seventies, I formulated a regional
settlement project. For various reasons, mostly of a practical nature, the
project was never taken very far and eventually it ended in a mothproof bag.
In 2006, when I left the University I took up the
project again. I have worked steadily since then on collecting and recording
The following documents explains the background and
objectives of the project and the basics of recording, organising and presenting
the data in the catalogue
and objectives (Sep 2018)
Recording, organising and
presenting data (Sep 2018)
By the beginning of 2017, I stopped entering new data
into the catalogue and by February 2019, it was ready for publishing.
The catalogue contains large amounts of hitherto
unpublished material. Thus you will find extensive information on my own
excavations of the causewayed enclosures and settlements at Aalstrup (150203
Falling), Toftum (160508 Søvind) and Bjerggård (160512 Vær). For further
information on unpublished excavations, you may also look at the parishes
150212 Saxild, 160306 Tamdrup, 160502 Hansted and 170403 Hatting among others.
The catalogue that contains 908 pages comes in two
versions: an ordinary version for screen viewing and printing (75 Mb); and a
high-resolution version aimed at high quality printing (216 Mb).
To avoid problems with online preview due to the
extraordinary size, both versions are packed in zip files for direct
The ordinary version comes with miniature pages for
fast scrolling and bookmarks that will allow you to jump from parish section to
parish section, but Please note! If you read the pdf in ordinary
browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge the miniature pages are not
available, only the bookmarks. You need a dedicated pdf reader like Adobe
Acrobat Reader (free download).
Download the ordinary version
(Feb 2019)
Download the high-resolution version (Feb
I am currently working on the second volume containing
the analysis of the collected data and the synthesis. Early in 2019, I
optimistically stated that it might be available in 2020, but things take time
and some more than others do, like a full-sized publication. I now hope to have
completed the writing by the end of 2021, and to this then comes the
publication process.
Meanwhile, in Nov 2020, I have published a paper –
“From the borderland between two cultures. The Funnel Beaker culture and the
Single Grave culture in central eastern Jutland” – that reveals some of the
results of the project. It is available here in two versions: The original
paper in Danish with an English summary, and a page-by-page transcription in
English of the Danish version. In the latter, following the Danish version, all
information including figures and endnotes are presented on paginated pages
synchronized with the Danish version.
Download the Danish version (Jan 2021)
Download the translated
version (Jan 2021)
My hopes of completing the writing of the final publication
by the end of 2021 were not fulfilled. It took another 1½ year before it was
possible to start the publication process with, peer review, apply for money,
etc. Finally the 540 pages large book appeared by the end of 2024. “Continuity and Change. The development of Neolithic
societies in central East Jutland, Denmark” as the book is named is available
through Aarhus University Press, Langelandsgade 177, DK-8200 Aarhus N. The catalogue has not been changed apart
from the introduction, which has been adapted to the publication. The catalogue
is now freely available at the following address:
(Mar 2025)