Papers methodological and theoretical issues in archaeology

1986 (Mette Iversen &) Arkæologistudiet i Århus i 1960'erne. i Hans Jørgen Madsen og Jens Vellev (eds) Arkæologiske krøniker. Udgivet i anledning af Poul Kjærums 60-års dag den 10. november 1986, Moesgård, 34-45


1988 Prioritering i arkæologien - et diskussionsoplæg. Arkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 1987, 20-27


1988 Prospects for the use of computer applications in Danish archaeology. i S. P. Q. Rahtz (ed) Computer and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1988, BAR International Series 446(ii) 1988, 417-422.


1989 Seriation  - en grundlæggende arkæologisk arbejdsmetode. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1989 Nr. 3, 8-19.


1989 (Carsten U. Larsen &) Informationsteknologi på de kulturhistoriske museer. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1989 Nr. 4, 8-16.


1989 Babelstårnet. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1989 Nr. 1, 11-13.


1989 Kampen om de danske Øer Kark Nyhedsbrev 1989 Nr. 2, 8-9.


1989 Windows. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1989 Nr. 2, 10-14.


1989 Billedscanning. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1989 Nr. 2, 15-20.


1989 Fjernundervisning baseret på datamatkonferencer ATS – IBM - JÅU forsøg 1987-89. Upubliceret Rapport til Århus Tekniske Skole, IBM Danmark og Jysk Åbent Universitet.


1990 EDB i hollandsk arkæologi. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1990 Nr. 2, 28-36.


1990 Stratigrafianalyse og EDB. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1990 Nr. 3, 15-26.


1990 Kalibrering af C-14 dateringer. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1990 Nr. 4, 26-44.


1991 Who Said Standardization? CIDOC Newsletter Volume 2, No 1, 20-26


1991 Gesellschaft für Klassifikation. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1991 Nr. 1, 10-17.


1991 Arkæologi, datastrukturer og datalogi. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1991 Nr. 3, 51-56.


1991 (Carsten U. Larsen &) EDB ved amerikanske museer og i amerikansk arkæologi. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1991 Nr. 4, 21-36.


1991 Teksten vedlægges på diskette i ASCII format. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1991 Nr. 1, 23-36.


1992 (Jens Andresen &) Data structures for Excavation Recording. A Case of complex Information Management. in Carsten U. Larsen (ed) Sites and Monuments. National Archaeological Records, 49-70.


1992 Computing in Archaeology - Integration or Disintegration. Paper presented at 16th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Klassifikation - Dortmund 1-3 April 1992. Unpublished


1992 Informationsteknologi på de kulturhistoriske museer. Afsluttende rapport for netværksbevilling fra Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd. 80 s.


1992 Welcome speech at the conference Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA92, Aarhus, March 27-29 1992.


1992 Elektronisk Post. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1992 Nr. 1, 13-32.


1992 Maps. Kark Nyhedsbrev 1992 Nr. 4, 10-24.


1992 From manuscript to book: Specifications for an integrated publication production environment. Paper presented at the conference Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology CAA92 – Aarhus 27th-29th March 1992.


1992 (review) William Y. Adams and Ernest W Adams. Archaeological typology and practical reality - A dialectical approach to artifact classification and sorting. Norwegian Archaeological Review Vol. 25, No 2, 132-136.


1993 Archaeology, data structures and computer science. Actes du XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques. Bratislava, 1-7 Septembre 1991. Nitra, 269-273.


1993 (with Niels H. Andersen, Stig Jensen, Hans Krongaard Kristensen, Carsten U. Larsen and Ulf Näsman) Archaeology in the Information Age. Research proposal to Danmarks Grundforskningsfond. Offentliggjort i KARK Nyhedsbrev 1993 Nr. 1, 4-36.


1993 Arkæologi mellem fiktion og fakta. Behovet for en eksplicit metode. KARK Nyhedsbrev 1993 Nr. 3,15-28


1993 Jens Andresen, Torsten Madsen & Irwin Scollar (red) Computing the Past. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 1992.


1993 Erfaringer med integreret bogproduktion. KARK Nyhedsbrev 1993 Nr. 2, 14-32


1993 Min Personlige Computer. KARK Nyhedsbrev 1993 Nr. 4, 8-32.


1994 Integration of data and methods in an information technological environment: reflections on the archaeological research process. In Ian Johnson (ed) Methods in the Mountains. Proceedings of UISPP Commission IV Meeting Mount Victoria, Australia. August 1993. Sydney.


1994 Electronic information processing in archaeology - A key to progress? Paper presented at the conference Problems and potentials of electronic information for archaeology, British Academy, London, June 1994.


1995 Archaeology between facts and fiction. The need for an explicit methodology. I Martin Kuna & Natalie Venclová (red.) Whither archaeology? Papers in Honour of Evzen Neustupny. Praha.


1996 GIS and Scandinavian Archaeology - A Tale from the Real World. Amilcare Bietti, Alberto Cazzella, Ian Johnson, Albertus Voorrips (eds.) XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Forlì – Italia – 8/14 September 1996. Colloquia. Theoretical and Methodological Problems, 127-135


1997 GIS and Scandinavian Archaeology - A Tale from the Real World., I. Johnson & North, M. (eds). Archaeological Applications of GIS: Proceedings of Colloquium II, UISPP XIIIth Congress, Forli, Italy, September 1996. Sydney.


1998 GIS Usage in Scandinavia. Archeologia e Calcolatori 9, 169-189.


1998 Til kamp mod datadøden. Humaniora 12, nr. 1,18-20


1999 Digital recording of excavations: Do we need data standards and common strategies? Henrik Jarl Hansen & Gillian Quine (eds.) Our Fragile Heritage. Documenting the Past for the Future. København, 131-138.


1999 Coping with Complexity. Towards a formalised methodology of contextual archaeology. Archeologia e Calcolatori 10, 125-144


2001 (with Jens Andresen & Mads Holst) Centre for Archaeological Data Theory and Methodology. Research proposal to the Danish National Research Foundation.


2003 At gøre Arkæologi. Refleksioner over udgravningen som videnskabelig praksis. Arkæologisk Forum Nr. 8 2003, 12-20.


2003 At gøre Arkæologi. Arkæologiske udgravninger og digital information - et forskningsmæssigt problem. Arkæologisk Forum Nr. 9 2003, 25-32.


2004 Classification and archaeological knowledge bases. A.G. Lange (ed.) Reference Collections. Foundations for Future Archaeology. ROB, Amersfoort, 35-42


2010 Comment to: Wenche Brun & Kristine Orestad Sørgaard. "DiGitizing" - refleksjoner rundt brugen av digital teknologi. Situ Archaeologica 2008, 137-38